Several Crypto Exchange Websites Taken Down in Kazakhstan

Financial authorities in Kazakhstan have targeted at least five online platforms exchanging cryptocurrencies outside the law. Documents, computer equipment, and cryptocurrency wallets have been seized during searches in the northern part of the country. Kazakhstan’s Financial Watchdog Goes After Unlicensed Crypto

米ドル価格の表示は引き続き禁止, ガーナ中央銀行、女優リディア・フォーソンに語る

The Bank of Ghana recently warned businesses quoting U.S. dollar prices that the practice is still prohibited and that the cedi remains Ghana’s sole legal tender. The bank said it is working with law enforcement toclamp down on illegal foreign

カザフスタンの警察がギャングを逮捕、IT スペシャリストに暗号ファームの運営を強制

カザフスタンの法執行機関は、IT 専門家に暗号通貨マイニング用の地下施設を脅迫と恐喝で強制的に運営させた容疑で、犯罪グループのメンバーを拘留しました。. 恐喝者は 50 万ドルを稼いだと言われています。. dollars a month from their

イラン近郊で破壊された違法な暗号通貨マイニングファームの数 7,000

イランの当局は近く閉鎖しました 7,000 過去 2 年間の暗号通貨マイニングのための無許可の施設, 地元メディアが明らかにした. 報告によると, 違法なビットコイン ファームのほとんどは、イスラム共和国の 5 つの州に集中していました。,…


ガーナ銀行は、許可なく外貨を要求したり支払いを行ったりする行為に対して、企業や一般市民に警告しています。. 中央銀行’の警告は、ガーナのわずか 1 か月後に行われます’s currency was rated the worst performing

暗号に関する米国上院議員: 金融システムをすべての人に役立てるための真のソリューションが必要, 裕福なだけではありません

私たち. Senator Elizabeth Warren has argued that cryptocurrency is not a path to financial inclusion like crypto advocates claim. “Bitcoin ownership is even more concentrated within the top 1% than dollars,” she said, emphasizing the need forreal solutions to make


An industry organization controlled by the Chinese government has updated a list of topics users of video-sharing apps should avoid. Crypto-related content is now among the entries along with traditional taboos in China like mocking its leadership, provoking sectarianism, and showing

ナイジェリアの専門家: 「優れた」採用率を主張しているにもかかわらず、CBDCは依然としてユーザーにとって魅力的ではない

Nigerian blockchain and cryptocurrency experts have suggested that many prospective users will only consider adopting the e-naira once the central bank has done enough to make the CBDC (中央銀行のデジタル通貨) an attractive option to use. E-Naira Still Unattractive to

Cryptocurrency ExchangeHuobiGlobalが今月中国を離れる

Digital asset exchange Huobi Global has revealed its intention to exit the Chinese Market. The crypto trading platform with Chinese roots said it will stop processing transactions for existing users on the mainland by the end of the year. フォビグローバル…


China has proposed adding cryptocurrency mining to the countrys latestNegative List for Market Access.This will make cryptocurrency mining an industry that is off-limits to investors, another move by the Chinese government to clamp down on crypto-related activities. 中国’s Negative